Collection: Down's Syndrome
People who have Down’s Syndrome have a range of abilities and will have some level of learning disability.
We offer a wide range of products that will help children with a number of disabilities and many overlap. This collection has been created not to be all encompassing, but to focus on some key items that we have researched to help those children with Down's Syndrome. For the reasons why we have chosen these products scroll to the bottom and read on.
If you are looking for sensory toys have a look at that collection.
Further support and advice can be sought from Down Syndrome UK and Down's Syndrome Association.
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Through our research we have found that the key areas of support that children with Down’s Syndrome need is with; low muscle tone, decreased dexterity, developmental delays and participation in social events and communities. Parents, you know much more than we do, please feel free to correct us and help us improve.
Fine Motor Skills
To Improve dexterity and strength in shoulders, arms, and hands we have focussed on products that will help with fine motor skills such as:
Air Cushions – helps keep the body upright and alert. Tambourines and Maracas to hold and shake Keyboards – Using individual fingers to type helps with using and stretching the fingers Puzzles Adapted Cutlery
Gross Motor Skills
To Improve Balance, Co-ordination, Promotion Exercise and Movement products such as:
Scooter and Balance Boards Balance beams and stepping stones Jumping products – trampolines Dance Packs and Streamers Bodysocks for spatial awareness Weighted products for grounding
Hearing and Hearing Loss
Sound products help to promote movement and activity and some children however need help with loud noises and would benefit from noise reducing aids:
Percussion instruments Earplugs / Ear Defenders
Speech and Communication Aids
Many children with Down’s Syndrome develop non-verbal skills earlier than they develop verbal communication skills. We have several items such as:
TomTags communication packs Bag of Buddies for emotions