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LifeVac Anti-Choking Wall Mounted Kit


The LifeVac wall mounted kit is the most preferable LifeVac kit for the Care Sector, Schools, Restaurants and public areas such as shopping centres. Each mask comes with a coloured identifier to easily identify which mask suits the casualty. Accreditations: ISO 13485 Accredited Class I Medical Device Registered.

Regular price £91.99  (£110.39 inc VAT)
Regular price Sale price   £91.99  (£110.39 inc VAT)

As a Charity, any profit made from every purchase goes back to helping families with disabled children.

Product Description

The LifeVac wall mounted kit is the most preferable LifeVac kit for the Care Sector, Schools, Restaurants and public areas such as shopping centres. Each mask comes with a coloured identifier to easily identify which mask suits the casualty as unfortunately one size mask will not fit everyone. This is a Class 1 Medical Device.

The A3 laminated poster makes it easy to locate in an emergency. It also details how and when to use LifeVac to save a life.

The instruction booklet details how to use LifeVac and which coloured ring identifies the size of the mask.

The LifeVac Anti-Choking Wall Mounted Kit Includes: 

  • LifeVac Unit: The core device for effective airway clearance.
  • Instruction Booklet: Detailed, multilingual instructions and mask size identifiers.
  • A3 Laminated BLS Poster.
  • Masks:
    • 1 Paediatric Mask,
    • 1 Small Child/Adult Mask,
    • 2 Medium Adult (1 test) Masks,
    • 1 Large Adult Mask.
  • Window/Door Sticker: Inform others that LifeVac is available on site.
  • Feedback Form: Help improve our service and raise awareness.
  • Free Video Training: Access via a QR code for comprehensive usage instructions.

Where do I apply the LifeVac device?

  • Apply the Mask: Place the top of the mask on the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows, and the bottom between the lower lip and chin.

How to Use the LifeVac Travel Kit:

  1. Assess the Choking: Determine the severity and type of choking.
  2. Attach the Mask: Push and twist and secure the mask to the LifeVac device.
  3. Position the Mask: Using your less dominant hand, hold the mask firmly in place on the appropriate application area, making sure their head is tilted back still.
  4. Use LifeVac: Use your dominant hand on the LifeVac handle, depress and pull.

(It doesn’t matter how hard you depress because you are only pushing the air out of the bellows through the vent and the valve. It’s the quick pull after that counts.)

Need more training? - Free Access to CPD Certified e-learning course.

LifeVac proves invaluable when traditional first aid and choking protocols fail.


  • ISO 13485 Accredited
  • Class I Medical Device
  • Registered/Regulated by: MHRA, FDA, TGA, HPFB, MOH, SAHPRA 
  • CE Marked: Compliance with European safety standards LifeVac is registered with all relevant authorities in countries where it is sold.

Not intended for the use on those under 10 kg without a pediatric mask attached.

Further Reading: Report: The Un-Usual Suspects – Main Causes of Choking Deaths in the UK

Please note: These products are sold with their intended purpose as described. We cannot be held responsible for any misuse of items where physical force has been used to damage the product or where it had been used in a manner that it was not designed for. If in doubt of its suitability, please get in touch.

VAT: Our prices are primarily displayed without VAT (Value Added Tax), as many of our customers qualify for VAT exemption due to disability. To benefit from this, simply complete a VAT exemption form, and we will refund the VAT on your first order. For future purchases, please create an account so we can update your account to VAT exempt status, ensuring that VAT will no longer be applied at checkout. If you are not eligible for exemption, VAT will automatically be added during checkout.Please note: that some products are VAT exempt by default.

Shipping Info

Please note: This item is sent directly from the supplier, so please allow extra time for delivery.
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