This Walking Board Pack contains nine brightly coloured blocks that can be attached to create an obstacle course. They are recommended for working on coordination, balance, and moving along raised surfaces.
As a Charity, any profit made from every purchase goes back to helping families with disabled children.
Product Description
A set of 9 PVC blocks in vibrant colours is recommended for working on coordination, balance, and moving along raised surfaces, with sensations felt through the soles of the feet. The blocks are easy to assemble to form a straight line. This helps children to delimit spaces as well as to keep their balance.
- Aids balance and coordination.
- Straight line - 2m 60cm long
Please note: This item is shipped directly from the supplier, If you live outside of England & Wales please enquire about shipping costs before ordering.
Who / What is this suitable for?
Who / What is this suitable for?
Please note: These products are sold with their intended purpose as described. We cannot be held responsible for any misuse of items where physical force has been used to damage the product or where it had been used in a manner that it was not designed for. If in doubt of its suitability, please get in touch.
VAT: Our prices are primarily displayed without VAT (Value Added Tax), as many of our customers qualify for VAT exemption due to disability. To benefit from this, simply complete a VAT exemption form, and we will refund the VAT on your first order. For future purchases, please create an account so we can update your account to VAT exempt status, ensuring that VAT will no longer be applied at checkout. If you are not eligible for exemption, VAT will automatically be added during checkout.Please note: that some products are VAT exempt by default.