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Collection: Tulburare de procesare senzorială

Tulburarea de procesare senzorială este un termen care acoperă cele opt sisteme senzoriale pe care le are corpul nostru și care ne oferă informații despre noi înșine și despre lumea din jurul nostru. Prin aceste opt simțuri ne putem desfășura viața de zi cu zi.

Pentru unii oameni, unul sau mai multe dintre aceste simțuri nu funcționează așa cum s-ar aștepta toți ceilalți și pot cauza probleme cu sarcinile de zi cu zi. Această colecție de articole își propune să ajute cu unele dintre acestea și puteți citi mai multe despre cele opt simțuri din partea de jos.

The highest price is £37.99 Reset

3 of 265 products



3 of 265 products


The highest price is £37.99


3 of 265 products

  • Around the House Sound Puzzle - Melissa & Doug - PuzzleAround the House Sound Puzzle - Melissa & Doug - Puzzle
    Whilst Stocks Last!
    £14.99 £12.49  (£10.41 ex VAT) 17% Off!
  • From £31.99
  • Sensory Slumber Sleepwear Vest - Daytime ClothingSensory Slumber Sleepwear Vest - Daytime Clothing
    • 8-9 yrs
    • 10-11 yrs
    • 12-13 yrs
    Out of Stock

The Eight Sensory Systems

Most people are aware of five senses, but there are eight and for some an issue with any one or more of these can cause real problems in daily lives.

The Auditory system – the sense of hearing.
The Olfactory system – the sense of smell.
The Oral sensory system – the sense of taste.
The Tactile system – the sense of touch.
The Visual system – the sense of sight.
The Vestibular system – how we sense where our bodies are in space. It is what keeps us balanced and coordinated.
The Proprioceptive system – our “internal” sense of awareness we have for our bodies. It tells us about how we are moving and occupying space.
The Interoceptive system – this is the sense of feeling. This system is responsible for the general sense of our body’s physical condition; hunger, thirst, hot, cold, and whether you feel your emotions.

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