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Ururinta: Dharka Quudinta Tuubbada / Dharka Quudinta iyo Qalabyada

Hubi raaxada iyo fudaydnaanta ilmahaaga inta lagu jiro quudinta tuubada, quudinta biinanka, ama nafaqaynta gudaha iyada oo la adeegsanayo kala duwanaanshahayaga dharka gaarka ah. Haddii ilmahaagu u baahan yahay taageero quudin xaalad caafimaad awgeed ama korriin iyo korriin, Dharkayaga Quudinta Tube waxaa si taxadar leh loogu talagalay in lagu fududeeyo nidaamka waalidiinta iyo bixiyeyaasha. Intaa waxaa dheer, soo hel xulasho dhammaystiran oo ah dharka quudinta biinka iyo agabka si aad u daboosho baahiyaha gaarka ah ee ilmahaaga. Badeecooyinka kala duwan, waxaan hiigsaneynaa inaan bixino xalal wax ku ool ah si kor loogu qaado nolol maalmeedka qoysaska ay wajahayaan caqabadaha quudinta.

Qiimaha ugu sarreeya waa £46.99 Dib u dajin

11 alaabta

Kala sooc


11 alaabta


Qiimaha ugu sarreeya waa £46.99


11 alaabta

  • Ka £30.99
  • R180 Keeley Peg Tube Access - Tube FeedingR180 Keeley Peg Tube Access - Tube Feeding
    Made to order in the UK
    Ka £15.25
  • Ka £16.99
  • Ka £18.99
  • Ka £28.99 (£24.16 laga bilaabo VAT)
  • R180 Keeley Peg Tube Access (Adults) - Tube FeedingR180 Keeley Peg Tube Access (Adults) - Tube Feeding
    Made to order in the UK
    Ka £17.25
  • £24.99 £19.99  (£16.66 laga bilaabo VAT) 20% Dami!
  • Ka £21.99
  • Ka £31.99 (£26.66 laga bilaabo VAT)
  • Ka £29.99 (£24.99 laga bilaabo VAT)
  • R101 Toby Peg Tube Access (Adult) - Bodyvests and SleepwearR101 Toby Peg Tube Access (Adult) - Bodyvests and Sleepwear
    Made to order in UK
    Ka £20.25

Tube or PEG feeding clothes are specialised garments designed to allow individuals who require tube or PEG feeding to receive their nutrition without having to undress or expose their feeding tube. These clothes have various benefits, including:

Promoting independence

With tube or PEG feeding clothes, individuals can feed themselves without the need for assistance from a caregiver, thereby promoting independence and self-reliance.

Improved dignity and privacy

These clothes provide individuals with a sense of privacy and dignity as they can feed themselves without exposing their feeding tube or having to change into special clothing.

Reduced risk of infection

With tube or PEG feeding clothes, there is a reduced risk of infection as the feeding tube remains covered and protected from external contaminants.

Enhanced comfort

These clothes are designed to be comfortable and non-restrictive, allowing individuals to move freely and engage in daily activities without discomfort.

Reduced skin irritation

The use of tube or PEG feeding clothes can help prevent skin irritation or breakdown that may result from repeated exposure to external elements such as pressure or friction.

Promotes normalcy

With tube or PEG feeding clothes, individuals can continue to wear regular clothing, which promotes a sense of normalcy and minimizes the psychological impact of having to use a feeding tube.

In summary, tube or PEG feeding clothes offer several benefits that can significantly improve the quality of life for individuals who require tube or PEG feeding. They promote independence, enhance comfort, reduce the risk of infection, and promote a sense of normalcy, among other benefits.

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