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Prif Fordwyaeth

Casgliad: Anhwylder Prosesu Synhwyraidd

Mae Anhwylder Prosesu Synhwyraidd yn derm sy’n cwmpasu’r wyth system synhwyraidd sydd gan ein corff sy’n rhoi gwybodaeth i ni amdanom ein hunain a’r byd o’n cwmpas. Trwy'r wyth synnwyr hyn y gallwn ni fynd o gwmpas ein bywydau beunyddiol.

I rai pobl, nid yw un neu fwy o'r synhwyrau hyn yn gweithio'n union fel y byddai pawb arall yn ei ddisgwyl a gallant achosi problemau gyda thasgau o ddydd i ddydd. Nod y casgliad hwn o eitemau yw helpu gyda rhai o’r rhain a gallwch ddarllen mwy am yr wyth synnwyr ar y gwaelod.

Y pris uchaf yw £20.99 Ail gychwyn

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Y pris uchaf yw £20.99


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The Eight Sensory Systems

Most people are aware of five senses, but there are eight and for some an issue with any one or more of these can cause real problems in daily lives.

The Auditory system – the sense of hearing.
The Olfactory system – the sense of smell.
The Oral sensory system – the sense of taste.
The Tactile system – the sense of touch.
The Visual system – the sense of sight.
The Vestibular system – how we sense where our bodies are in space. It is what keeps us balanced and coordinated.
The Proprioceptive system – our “internal” sense of awareness we have for our bodies. It tells us about how we are moving and occupying space.
The Interoceptive system – this is the sense of feeling. This system is responsible for the general sense of our body’s physical condition; hunger, thirst, hot, cold, and whether you feel your emotions.

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