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Mae pob ceiniog sy'n cael ei gwario yn helpu teuluoedd Contact.

Prif Fordwyaeth

Casgliad: Dillad cysgu

Mae ein hamrywiaeth o ddillad cysgu gan gynnwys: sachau cysgu personol, pyjamas a festiau corff (gyda phopwyr a hebddynt) wedi'u cynllunio i helpu gydag ymataliad, ceg y groth a dadwisgo. Mae'r pyjamas cefn-sip poblogaidd iawn wedi'u cynllunio i gadw'r gwisgwr yn gyfforddus ac yn gynnes tra'n atal dadwisgo a'r dwylo rhag mynd at y pad neu'r cewyn. Unitards (heb poppers) y gellir eu defnyddio hefyd yn y nos ar gyfer cysgu i mewn.

Y pris uchaf yw £32.49 Ail gychwyn

7 o gynhyrchion 70



7 o gynhyrchion 70


Y pris uchaf yw £32.49


7 o gynhyrchion 70

  • Oddiwrth £22.00
  • Oddiwrth £24.49
  • £24.99 £14.99  (£12.49 o TAW) 40% I ffwrdd!
  • Oddiwrth £25.99
  • Oddiwrth £21.99
  • Oddiwrth £20.99
  • Oddiwrth £24.99

Sleep Issues

A child who does not sleep well can affect the whole family. Disabled children and those with certain medical conditions are more likely to experience problems with sleeping. So if you’re experiences difficulties, you’re not alone.

Our range of bodysuits, pyjamas, body vests and unitards are designed to help with issues of incontinence, smearing and undressing. Zip-back pyjamas can keep the wearer warm while preventing undressing and smearing. Unitards are ideal for children on the autistic spectrum or with sensory processing issues. Bodysuits are made from a soft cotton jersey fabric that allows the skin to breathe. Body vests have poppers that make it hard for the wearer to reach the nappy, helping with smearing as well.

For more information read our Sleep Advice page where you can also download an informational support PDF from Contact.

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